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Event Description

ITP Conference on

The integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks

18-19 September 2025, London, UK

(incorporating the European 64th FITCE Congress)

For Ticket Purchases: Conference: The Integration of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite


The Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP) is delighted to announce their forthcoming conference on “The Integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks”.  Organised in partnership with the Federation of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Union (FITCE), it recognises the growing interest in space-based communications and the role it can play in delivering an optimised heterogeneous network with wide coverage and high availability.  For example, whether it is in addressing not-spots where terrestrial networks are less commercially viable or in providing much-needed network resilience, the last five years has seen a huge growth in Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations and the potential they offer.   Hence, this two-day conference will feature presentations from industry and academic speakers from across Europe discussing the service opportunities, commercial realities, technical challenges, and market potential of integrating space-based communications with the planet’s fixed and mobile network infrastructure.  Speakers will also have the opportunity of developing their presentation into a paper for publication within the 2026 editions of the ITP Journal. 

Contributions to the Congress are therefore now sought covering the following topics:

  • Seamless integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks

  • Intelligent routing and handover between terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks

  • Technical advances in Low Earth Orbit satellites, Unmanned aerial vehicles, and High-Altitude Platforms

  • Earth station design and capabilities

  • Networking in space and inter-satellite links (ISL)

  • Direct to mobile device (D2D) communications

  • Addressing mobile and broadband not-spots using non-terrestrial communications

  • Developments in 5G and 6G cellular with a specific focus on non-terrestrial integration

  • Proving truly global coverage for Internet of Things applications

  • Enhancing terrestrial network resilience with non-terrestrial backup

  • Emergency response applications utilising non-terrestrial networks

  • The importance, need, and progress of standardisation

  • Environmental applications and impact issues

  • New service and application opportunities

  • Commercial and market modelling and analysis

Submissions outside of the above list may also be considered providing they address the core theme of the conference.


The format of the Congress comprises technical presentations, organised within themed sessions, and technical posters which are displayed within an exhibition space.   Selected presentations will be chosen for development into a technical paper for subsequent publication within the Scopus listed Journal of the ITP which is the UK national association for FITCE.   

Submissions are therefore sought for:

Technical Presentation

An abstract of approximately 500 words which comprises the title of the presentation, details of the author and their affiliation, a summary of the core technical content of the presentation and a statement as to its relevance to theme of the Congress

Technical Poster

A 300 word abstract which comprises the title of the work, the author and their affiliation, a brief overview of the contribution being reported upon, and the relevance to the theme of the Congress.


The abstract for both a technical presentation and poster must be submitted by Friday 28th February 2025 as a Word or PDF file sent as an email attachment to:   Notification of acceptance will be given by Friday 21st March 2025.  All successful authors are required to register and pay conference attendance fees.