Meet the apprentices: Zoe Sainty, Vorboss
After seeing the ITP’s apprentice recruitment advert on Indeed, Zoe Sainty applied for the role of Installation Technician Engineer Apprentice at Vorboss. Despite no previous telecoms experience, she successfully passed the selection process and was supported by the ITP team to take on her first role. Zoe has since graduated from Vorboss training academy, a four-week intensive introduction to the business and role, and is now firmly on the path for a career in telecoms. We chatted to Zoe about why she chose an apprenticeship over the traditional university route, and what she’s enjoying the most about her role…
How did you find the ITP’s recruitment process?
It was completely different to what I’m used to, but it made me present myself a lot more and that was really good. ITP helped me secure the apprenticeship by making sure that I had done all the prep I needed to so my employer could really see who I am. I then felt that I was ready to start my apprenticeship straight away and felt confident in my application.
Why did you choose an apprenticeship and what was the first week like?
I never wanted to go to university, it wasn’t on my radar. With an apprenticeship you learn and earn; what’s not to love? My first week was daunting, I had no clue about what we were learning. However, I wasn’t the only one, it was a new experience for all of us and everyone was so welcoming.
What has been your biggest achievement so far?
My biggest achievement so far is graduating from the academy and getting this opportunity! The experience that I have now is amazing.
What does a typical day look like?
A typical day could be anything; it’s not always the same. You are always working with different people, so you do lots of different jobs. One day it could be rodding and roping or laying subduct and it’s great because you get to know everyone. It’s so nice, everyone is so supportive and welcoming. You feel safe and happy, and every day is always a new day. I’m enjoying being part of a unit within the company and learning new experiences as I go along.
What would you say to anyone considering an apprenticeship over university?
Choose an apprenticeship over university, because in my opinion you get a lot more experience and you also get paid for learning. You get a lot more qualifications and you make friends for life!
Why should more girls consider STEM roles like yours?
When you think of an engineer you normally think of a man, but that’s not true. Getting more women into STEM careers shows that a woman can do a job that a man can – sometimes maybe even better! Girl power!
We are currently recruiting for a number of roles at Vorboss, please see our vacancies for more info.