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Satellite Systems Engineer

Job Info

₤26k to ₤70k

A Satellite Systems Engineer is responsible for designing, developing and optimising satellite systems to ensure their reliable operation and performance in space.


  • Design satellite systems, including spacecraft platforms, payloads, propulsion systems, communication systems and power systems.

  • Integrate various subsystems into the satellite design, such as power, propulsion, communication, navigation and payload systems.

  • Analyse mission requirements and translate them into technical specifications and system design requirements.

  • Optimise the performance of satellite systems, including maximising payload capacity, minimising weight and size and enhancing power efficiency.

  • Use simulation and modelling tools to predict the behaviour of satellite systems under various operating conditions.

  • Develop test plans and procedures to validate the performance and functionality of satellite systems.

  • Identify and mitigate technical risks associated with satellite system design and operation.

  • Generate technical documentation, including system specifications, design documents, test reports and engineering analyses.

  • Monitor advancements in satellite technology, industry standards and best practices.

Skills & Knowledge

  • Strong understanding of the fundamental concepts underlying satellite design and operation and the subsystems that comprise a satellite and their interdependencies.

  • Familiarity with systems engineering methodologies and practices, such as requirements analysis, system architecture design, integration, verification and validation.

  • Ability to apply systems engineering principles to satellite system design.

  • Understanding of the space environment and its impact on satellite design and operation, including radiation effects, thermal conditions, vacuum environment and microgravity.

  • Ability to perform simulations to validate system designs and assess performance.

  • Ability to design and optimise satellite systems using engineering software tools and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software.

  • Strong problem-solving skills to identify technical challenges, analyse complex issues, and develop innovative solutions.

  • Ability to assess technical risks associated with satellite system design and operation and develop risk mitigation strategies.

  • Ability to communicate complex technical concepts in a clear and understandable manner.

  • Basic project management skills to plan, organise, and execute satellite system development projects effectively.

  • Understanding of regulatory requirements and standards applicable to satellite systems.

  • Commitment to continuous learning and staying updated on advancements in satellite technology, industry trends and best practices.

Career Progression

Entry-Level Engineer - Junior Engineer/Systems Engineer - Mid-Level Engineer/Senior Systems Engineer - Lead Engineer/Principal Engineer - Engineering Manager/Director - Senior Management/Executive Leadership - Subject Matter Expert/Consultant

Career advancement in satellite systems engineering often depends on factors such as technical expertise, leadership abilities, project management skills and industry experience.

Qualification Pathways

If you are looking to transfer into this role from a related role in the industry, leverage your existing experience and skills in the industry to identify transferable skills that align with a Satellite Systems Engineer Role. Highlight these transferable skills on your CV and in interviews to demonstrate your suitability for positions within the sector.

If you are new to industry, follow these routes:

Step 1 (Options):

  • Many Satellite Systems Engineers start with a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or a related field.

  • Pursuing a master's degree in aerospace engineering, systems engineering or a related subject can provide advanced knowledge and specialisation in satellite systems design and optimisation.

  • Gain practical experience through internships with Satellite companies, government bodies or research institutions.

  • Apprenticeship programmes may be available with Satellite companies or government bodies.

Step 2: Start career in an entry-level engineering positions within Satellite companies or government bodies.

Step 3: Obtain vendor-specific certifications related to satellite systems engineering tools, technologies or methodologies.

Step 4: Pursue a master's or doctoral degree in aerospace engineering, systems engineering or a related field for advanced research and specialisation in satellite systems engineering.

Step 5: Attend professional development courses, workshops and conferences in satellite systems engineering to stay updated on industry trends, advancements and best practices.

Step 6: Actively participate in industry organisations and become a professional member of an industry body.

Step 7: After 10 years of service, you may be eligible to apply for Fellowship of The Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP)

Other Info

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