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ITP Insight Event: 6G Innovation Centre

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Event Description

Join us for a fascinating visit to The 6G Innovation Centre at Surrey University.

Visitors will enjoy presentations from experts on this emerging technology, followed by a tour on the Innovation Centre.

The Institute for Communication Systems (ICS) at the University of Surrey is the largest academic institute in ICT in Europe and home to the 5G/6G Innovation Centres. 

Regius Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Director of ICS will introduce you to the centre and you will hear from some of our leading academics on our most recent research. 

This visit will include a Virtual/Augmented Reality immersive 4D user experience; you will visit the lab where we have pioneered the world leading Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) technology to enable seamless coverage; view our 5G testbed, the largest of its kind on a UK University Campus, and be introduced to some of our advanced signal processing algorithms and computing architectures for Open RAN and future base station processing. 

We hope you enjoy your visit to these state-of-the-art laboratories.